Our Values
We want to be a company whose success is determined by the personal commitment and performance of each individual employee.
In that regard, our goal is to increase corporate value in a sustainable way and to contribute toward that value in a manner that serves the interests of our stockholders, customers, employees and society.
How we work - In order to achieve LANXESS’s objectives, we make sure that everything we do inside our company is in line with the values of respect, ownership, trust, professionalism and integrity. For us, this is all about creating a corporate culture in which responsible and morally irreprehensible actions and a striving for performance are not a contradiction, but actually complement one another. After all: values create value! Our values apply to all employees of LANXESS, everywhere and at all times.
Our guiding principles - To make it possible for us to live up to our values on an everyday basis, we have translated them into a set of guiding principles to be used by all employees and members of the company’s management. Our “Formula X,” the core elements of which consist of seek solutions, take ownership, keep it simple and think new, act fast, serves as a guide for every LANXESS employee. Ultimately, all of our values and principles contribute towards a company culture that is both lively and open.
How we want to work
At LANXESS, respect is defined as treating each other with appreciation and consideration, and being committed to keeping promises.
As a respectful LANXESS employee, I meet people on an equal footing and without prejudice. I receive their opinions regardless of their background, rank and position and express my own opinions openly.
At LANXESS, ownership is defined as embracing personal accountability for the full scope of the functions assigned to me and making them “my responsibility” as a business-owner would.
As an employee who demonstrates ownership, I proactively pursue positive business developments in my area of accountability and for the entire company. I act quickly and prudently, but never compromise on safety.
At LANXESS, trust is a basis for collaboration. Trust is built on reliability, transparency and trustworthiness.
As a trustworthy person, I consistently exemplify these qualities through both positive and negative developments and experiences.
At LANXESS, professionalism is defined as using knowledge and professional experiences to help achieve goals and find solutions.
Through my professionalism, I protect the interests of the company. I can accept criticism and am genuinely interested in improving both in my work and as a person.
At LANXESS, integrity is defined as an individual’s expression of honesty and sincerity.
As a role model with regard to integrity, I keep my word and act in compliance with values, rules, and laws.