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Liquid Purification Technologies

LANXESS' Liquid Purification Technologies (LPT) facility manufactures Lewatit® for industrial water treatment, for the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries, for food production and for power generation. There is a growing demand for clean water due to a booming population and the trend towards urbanization in India. Lewatit® is seen as an innovator and a key driver in the development of new and efficient high-performance ion exchange resins. Lewatit® comes wrapped in a convincing package: it is an all-embracing solution concept consisting of the product itself plus full technical support.

Applications: Products are used in fields such as water treatment, energy generation, microelectronics, and the drinking water and food processing industries.

Rhein Chemie

LANXESS Rhein Chemie Additives Divisions plant manufactures Rhenogran® and Rhenodiv®.

The Rhenogran® brand covers predispersed, polymer-bound rubber chemicals and additives in the form of granules. Rhenogran® boasts excellent dispersion properties. Our EPDM/EVA standard binder system is designed to allow complete dispersion in the rubber compound after just a short mixing time. A number of specialty products have application-specific elastomer binders. Rhenogran® makes it possible to manufacture components that comply with the toughest technical demands and narrow tolerances that are now commonplace in the automotive and mechanical engineering industries. Rhenogran® has set new standards in terms of occupational safety. Thanks to the polymer-bound form in which it is supplied, full protection is not required, even for critical substances. In addition to this, much less cleaning is needed at the weighing stage and in the mixing room. Substances classified as hazardous in their pure form normally have a more favorable classification when combined with Rhenogran®. Consequently, using Rhenogran® helps cut production and handling costs. Release agents are required in the processing of crude rubber to produce vulcanizates because if rubber compounds stick together and to the mold, a smooth, automated process becomes impossible.

Rhein Chemie Additives offers rubber processors targeted solutions with its Rhenodiv® brand. The Rhenodiv® portfolio is primarily aimed at tire manufacturers. Rhein Chemie Additives offers a wide range of products, including environmentally compatible aqueous inside and outside tire paints, bladder coatings and mold release agents. These are complemented by compound release agents in powder and liquid form for all rubber compounds used in tires.

Applications: Products are used as rubber additives and also used in tire industry.

Material Protection Products

LANXESS Material Protection Products will facility manufactures Preventol®: Active ingredients and formulations for in-can preservation, disinfectants and wood preservatives. The Material Protection business unit offers a wide range of biocidal active ingredients and preservatives. In addition to these high-quality products, this division provides objective and effective advice, registration management as well as research and development.

Products are used in paints and coatings industry. 

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